

catalytic oxidizer (CatOx) performance-guaranteed
systems use precious metal catalysts to achieve
low-temperature oxidation of VOCs and CO from gaseous waste
systems. Up to 99% of VOCs and CO will be destroyed by
conversion to harmless carbon dioxide (CO2)
and water vapor.
of our catalytic oxidizers span all industries using organic
solvents, including chemical, printing, lamination, and tape
manufacture, and coating operations of all kinds. Solvents
that can be easily handled include a wide range of alcohols,
ketones, aldehydes. aromatics, and hydrocarbons, both
saturated and unsaturated.
CatOx systems process 200 to 100,000 SCFM of VOC- or CO-laden
gas using the following key components:
- A
process air blower/motor with an automatic flow control
system to push the VOC-laden gaseous stream through the CSM
CATOX system.
- A
custom, packaged burner system with natural gas as fuel and
combustion air, which achieves a very low NOx emission rate
from the system.
- A
catalyst typically operating at 550 °F to treat the
VOC-laden process exhaust system and achieve the required
destruction efficiency, including 99% of the non-methane
hydrocarbon compounds, which are converted to harmless
and water vapor.

Skid Mount/Package Systems
compact skid-mounted CatOx systems, ranging from 200 to 30,000
standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM), have become the
solution of choice as emission abatement systems for a number
of small- to mid-scale applications in commercial bakeries,
chemical manufacturers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and
printing companies, among others. For more than 25 years,
these manufacturers have appreciated the low operating costs
associated with our skid-mount/package CatOx systems. But they
really value our systems' ability to destroy a wide range of
VOCs, particularly in coating operations involving the use of
organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol,
cyclo-hexane and methylene chloride.
Field-erected Systems
plants have been a major market for our large-scale CatOx
systems for more than 30 years. They process 30,000 to 100,000
SCFM of VOC- or CO-laden gas at more than 50 world-class
plants around the world. Our TORVEX® and LoTemp™ catalysts
provide low-temperature VOC and CO oxidation to remove up to
99% in a wide range of chemical processing plants
- Phthalic
anhydride (PA)
- Maleic
anhydride (MA)
- Pure
terephthalic acid (PTA)
- Polyethylene
terephthalic acid (PET)
- Formaldehyde
- Phenol
- Polymers:
polyethylene, polypropylene
- Polystyrene
formaldehyde resins